Timothy Wong-See

Brisbane and Regional

Participating in their 1st Vinnies CEO Sleepout

From being on the air to sleeping in the open air...just for one night

For years I've told the stories of people who sleep rough. Sometimes, through no fault of their own. One day they're in a good paying job, the next they're on the streets. 

Now, even if it's just for a night, I'm hoping to help those people -  hopefully with your help.

If you're able to help contribute to my fundraising effort, I would appreciate it a lot

So far this year I helped provide


Individual support programs





Latest Donations


John King


Jenny Tan

God bless you Tim


The Chong

Tim, Super proud of you! Love and blessings, The Chongs






Michael C

Good on you Tim


Alicia Hoy

Good on you Tim!




Piper Duffy


Alan Brownbill

Nice effort, enjoy the night Tim. Will make the warm bed tomorrow night feel even better!


Janet Ewan

Good for you. Tim


Amelia And Shae

What an adventure and a great way to support those sleeping rough this winter. All the best from Amelia and Shae


Sock Khim Huynh




Clare Maxwell

Sleep well Tim!




Kim G


Annie G

Good on you Tim, great cause you’re supporting!


James Wong See


Irene Lee

Massive effort Tim! Hope you get to sleep out in warmer Qld. Will be thinking of you when I'm tucked away in my warm bed. (big sacrifice)


Jonno & Maddy


Jennifer Nichols

Great effort getting out there Tim and raising awareness. I can't imagine what it would be like to be in the scary situation of not having a safe place to sleep and live.



Love your breakfast show on ABC, Tim. It’s a very fine thing you’re doing with the sleepout. As someone who’s camped in the snow, I recommend a down-filled sleeping bag( 4 seasons+) Best wishes, Gerry


Sock-yan & Rob


Michael Wong-see




David And Judy

