Shashi Sharma

Northern Territory

Participating in their 1st Vinnies CEO Sleepout

Homeless-ness is not a choice but being Homeless for one night is a Choice

I have volunteered to participate in this very humbling experience of sleeping a night out in the open and go through, at least physically , what it feels to be homeless. There will be many others across Australia that night who will be sleeping out voluntarily like me but there will be thousands others in Australia and millions worldwide who will be going through homeless-ness , not as a matter of choice but for circumstances beyond their control. 

I understand one night is not enough but at least it will give me a starting point in understanding what it means to be homeless. I will attempt to learn and experince as much as I can in the period from now till the night we come out and sleepout. I will be sharing my journey on social media and hope that will make an impact on overcoming homeless-ness.

I would also love if you could donate for this cause via the link on this page. Every $$ matters

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Shashi Sharma