Michelle Boundy

New South Wales

Participating in their 1st Vinnies CEO Sleepout

Give a Heart for the Homeless

She Inspires Me Team 

My name is Michelle Boundy and I am the founder of She Inspires Me. 

The Vinnies CEO Sleep Out will be held on the 20th of June 2024, to raise awareness and much-needed funds to support our community's most vulnerable. 

She Inspires Me, is supporting this initiative by implementing a National Homeless #tellyourstory Campaign which aims to highlight the challenges women and young people face in our community in obtaining safe and affordable housing.

Through our #tellyourstory initiative we will share the stories of those impacted by homelessness to raise awareness and much-needed funds for St Vincent de Paul Society Australia who deliver critical services to our communities most vulnerable.

For the month of May, my team will be out and about in Sydney promoting this wonderful initiative to raise awareness of the great work Vinnies do in our community and the current state regarding homelessness here in NSW.

Did you know that out of the 122,000 Australians experiencing homelessness every night 44.1% are women and 14.4% are children under the age of 12 years.

Many women and children become homeless as a result of family and domestic violence and after for 30 years in Government, I have seen firsthand the trauma and impacts this can have on their emotional, physical and financial wellbeing.

I believe we are the heart of our community and with a little kindness we can make a difference in the lives of others and within our community.

Did you know that:

* $505 provides emergency accommodation for a family.

* $75 feeds a family for a day

* $120 keeps the power on in winter.

* $300 can relocate a person sleeping rough into accommodation services.

We encourage you to support this initiative and let’s give a heart for the homeless. 

You can find out more about the great work we are undertaking in our community on our She Inspires Me website here: www.sheinspiresmeaustralia.com


So far this year I helped provide


Individual support programs



