Grant Dougan

Brisbane and Regional

Participating in their 14th Vinnies CEO Sleepout

One night isn't a lot, but it can make a whole lot of difference

Every night, thousands of Australians experience homelessness. But it doesn't have to be that way. This year I'm taking part in the Vinnies CEO Sleepout to raise money for the St Vincent de Paul Society to support Australians in need. For one night, I'll be sleeping outside as part of an eye-opening experience to raise awareness and bring home the realities of homelessness.

To help break the devastating cycle of homelessness, I need your support. Will you help me to reach my target? Donating $100 can make a huge difference to people who need it most.

So far this year I helped provide


Individual support programs





Funds raised over the years

Latest Donations


Baxter The Cat


Nick And Emily Treweeke

Great cause Grant - hope the sleeping bag is warm!


Colin Flannery


Emily Sadleir


Graeme & Vicki

Well done Grant for your continued support, for such a worthy cause, so proud of your efforts..Mum & Dad 🥰




Warren Sherlock

Have a good night Happy Napper, don't let the bed bugs bite.




Fiona Hochmuth


Wayne Williams


Claudia Ramsey

All the best Grant!


Heidi & Damo

Always happy to support you sleeping out




Aaron & Helen Skirving

Well done Grant on a good cause.


Adam Callinan










Ascot Air




Ben Cook

Good on you Dougan!


Sue And Murray Johnston


Joanna Winters

Nice work, Grant!


Nathan Dickinson

Good luck Grant!


Michelle Grant

Great work Grant.




Brett Hay

Hope you'll have your woollies on Mate. Brett & Kerry


Nicole Morrell's Parents

Nic told us about this and we wanted to support you Grant. Enjoy the sleepout!


Nicole Morrell

You just keep turning up at this one year after year. I hope it's a clear fresh night for you (with no rain). Happy fundraising!


Drazen Kop

Hats off to you Grant ... worthy cause.




Ilati Naniseni

You're a champion. You are a very important part of our community. You give hope to others and thank you.







Good on you Grant; stay warm!


Benita Whalley


Andrew Mcquarrie

Good work mate


Leigh Carter & Fiona Ryan

Well Done Grant - great cause.


Matched Donation thanks to Bowen Coking Coal

Congratulations, you have received a matched donation thanks to Bowen Coking Coal! Keep up all the great work.




Peter Davidson

Great work Grant!


Laird Abernethy

Sleep well Grant!


Sarah Feek And Ian Bruce

Grant - well done for your ongoing support for this issue that impacts thousands of Australians every day.




Ricky Kumar

Well done Grant.


Julie Hamilton

Providing support for the 14th year. Wow. Great stuff !


David Mc

Thanks for doing this Grant!!


Rozay Allwright


Andy Bond

Well done Grant!


Fiona Campbell

I admire your ongoing commitment. Now more than ever our support is needed. Thankyou.


Donna O'loughlin

A great cause Grant!


Linda Clay


Matched Donation thanks to BDO

Congratulations, you have received a matched donation thanks to BDO! Keep up all the great work.




Peter And Alison Stanley

All the best Grant.



All the best Grant.


Courtney G

Love your commitment to community work Grant. Thank you.



Keep up the good work Grant. Hope it's not too cold on the night as your efforts are always appreciated.


Gerald Theron


Tony Whitelegg


Jay Collins


Sandra Andrews

Good on you Grant.


Lorie Zullo

It’s wonderful that you are doing this


Ping And Denzil Brunner

Its gunna be cold




Agnes Mazur


Graeme Leach

Great effort grant. Very worthy cause and so easily a person can find themselve with this issue through no fult of thier own.


Jen Butcher


Carl Mc

best of luck mate, happy to support the cause


Russell Hughes


John Furman



Great work Grant!


Nick And Diane Clarke

Congratulations Grant on yet another year supporting this worthy cause.


Tom Kelly