Georgie Pinn

Brisbane and Regional

Participating in their 1st Vinnies CEO Sleepout

You don't fully understand a situation until you live it first hand

Thousands of Australians experience trauma that triggers mental health challenges and isolates them from their family and exiles them from their homes. Being homeless is not a choice but a last resort when no one understands or is there to help. The cycle spirals from there and it could happen to anyone. It doesn't have to be that way. This year I'm taking part in the Vinnies CEO Sleepout to raise money for the St Vincent de Paul Society to support Australians in need.  I'll be sleeping outside in an effort to raise awareness and bring home the realities of homelessness.

To help break the devastating cycle of homelessness and share empathy, I need your support to reach my target? Donating $100 can make a huge difference to people who need it most.

So far this year I helped provide


Individual support programs





Latest Donations


Ari Remix

Thanks for kindly asking for a wee bit of help this winter xxx



Al the best darling x


Steven Macarthur

As always wishing all the best Georgie!




Celine Boudelot


Patrick Fitzgerald

Go Georgie!


Tania Davidson

You’re an amazing woman Georgie!!


Emilya Colliver

Well done, Georgie! Looking when our paths cross again!


Cherry Bagley-jones

Darling Georgie, you do so many wonderful gestures, this is yet another way you make a positive difference in the world. Xx


Savannah Passmore


Tamara Kenny

You are an amazing human being! So proud of you!


Chan Nguyen

Hi my gorgeous lady, do you still remember me? Im wondering who is doing your nail now :)) Sorry for leaving and not saying good bye to you, but Im indeed much better now. Will be keen for a coffee chat ;) pm me


Katie Forster

Yay Georgie! You’re a champion and I love you! 💗💗💗


Benjamin Hancock

I hope it’s a warm night for you sister!


Luke Styles

You go girl!


Peter Mills


Waverly Phillipson

Hey Georgie, What you’re doing is amazing. I do hope my small donation helps to achieve your goal. Love ya 😊



A small token of support for a hugely important cause.


Candice Hill

Thank you for being a leader and beacon of light in this world. Xx


Nicholas Pinn

Good work Sis . Xx


Georgie Pinn